nsmryan / RustRoguelike

This Rust Roguelike is a Roguelike written in Rust.
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Storytelling Scenes #355

Open MicroChasm opened 2 years ago

MicroChasm commented 2 years ago

This task is intended to both come up with and discuss the scenes which will further the story. I will make a comment with the list of scenes and another with musings on the scenes and story. There will also be one comment for each scene as it progresses.

MicroChasm commented 2 years ago

Scene list:

Main Menu Scene: should show the main character to give a nice binocular effect. needs text written to place onscreen

Initial scene: Info about what the character is doing, maybe something about a dream about going to the tower or a vision quest that leads them to the tower.

Character Looking At Statues: Character is looking at broken statues of golems, in the desert, discussion of gods and creation needs text written to place onscreen

First Inner City Scene: Character arrives at the city proper and sees the tower and city laid out needs text written to place onscreen

Character seeing the garden and the gardener, and getting new assignment and info about the world.

First Journey Scene: Character on a rock formation needs text written to place onscreen

Camp Scene: I've always imagined that there would be a scene where the character is camping, and there is a fire.

Seed Vault

In the ending, the player plants the seeds and you see that they have begun to grow. Maybe you see the gardener doing some other action in their grand scheme.

MicroChasm commented 2 years ago

Musings on scenes:

The character is trying to solve the problem of the hotter sun and failing crops. They get a vision of the tower after taking a drug or fasting or doing a vision quest or something along those lines.

The character will go from the desert to the city, to the center. After that, there may be another leg to the journey where they go somewhere else. I am imagining that the character is looking for new plants, but perhaps finds that the plants in the garden near the tower are mostly mushrooms and ferns that can't grow in the desert.

There should be a separate character, maybe a gardener who tends the mushroom forest at the bottom of the tower. They tell you about a seed vault and ask you to get them seeds, to start a new garden or expand their garden or something like that.

Maybe the gardner is trying to orchestrate a plan, which includes the player getting the seeds and planting them.

The original dude will return when everything dies, and the idea is that the gardener is not sure that they want this to happen, or at the very least, they will still fight against it even if it is inevitable. They want to create a forest which is block sunlight from entering the atmosphere, and a large canopy that will protect everything from the light of the sun until the ring around the sun collapses fully and the heating ends. The idea is that it will happen eventually, but not yet.

MicroChasm commented 2 years ago

First Journey Scene Text here about the sun getting hotter, which I imagine as the first story point image

MicroChasm commented 2 years ago

Character Looking At Statues Text here, maybe with some discussion of the golem


MicroChasm commented 2 years ago

Initial Intro Scene Shows the character leaving an oasis Some text about what they are doing


MicroChasm commented 2 years ago

Approaching the city and tower towerconcept2

MicroChasm commented 2 years ago

New scene list: Far-Away view for tile screen Close-up night scene for internal monologue storytelling (many variants) Mid-level view Close up view of tower

MicroChasm commented 2 years ago


MicroChasm commented 2 years ago


MicroChasm commented 2 years ago


MicroChasm commented 2 years ago
