nspcc-dev / neofs-aio

NeoFS All-in-One single node deployment helper
5 stars 9 forks source link

Quick Start doesn't work as expected #48

Closed smallhive closed 1 year ago

smallhive commented 1 year ago

Following Quick Start instruction from readme, cloning repo and starting the docker container

$ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "neofs-aio_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "neofs-aio_data" with default driver
Creating volume "neofs-aio_cache" with default driver
Pulling aio (nspccdev/neofs-aio:0.34.0)...
0.34.0: Pulling from nspccdev/neofs-aio
40e059520d19: Already exists
c65167df05c0: Pull complete
e83fca92c817: Pull complete
ce09732ec0d7: Pull complete
b4a103be3cea: Pull complete
d0e4e00f6c4a: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:266fc3d94114cac4ffc1f570d81ff71246bc2fd740dd1e003a5a2d62eb569c47
Status: Downloaded newer image for nspccdev/neofs-aio:0.34.0
Pulling nginx_gw (nginx:stable-alpine)...
stable-alpine: Pulling from library/nginx
63b65145d645: Pull complete
b8a267f2dd29: Pull complete
39ad76644f4c: Pull complete
c78539b46f60: Pull complete
9df9f40508a2: Pull complete
77511e5bde91: Pull complete
7bf584024830: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:f7dd4cec50434d5b6c994cdaf659e11f115f13ab82da0b5b677be5c1db551d44
Status: Downloaded newer image for nginx:stable-alpine
Creating aio ... done
Creating nginx_gw ... done

After few seconds trying to check containers status, but see neofs is not started

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                       COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                         PORTS                                               NAMES
9d1ac1cb395a   nginx:stable-alpine         "/docker-entrypoint.…"   15 seconds ago   Up 14 seconds                  80/tcp,>8082/tcp, :::8082->8082/tcp   nginx_gw
12e0ff88e84e   nspccdev/neofs-aio:0.34.0   "neofs-cli"              16 seconds ago   Restarting (0) 5 seconds ago                                                       aio

Trying to get logs from container

$ docker logs 12e0ff88e84e
  neofs-cli [flags]
  neofs-cli [command]

Available Commands:
  accounting   Operations with accounts and balances
  acl          Operations with Access Control Lists
  bearer       Operations with bearer token
  completion   Generate completion script
  container    Operations with containers
  control      Operations with storage node
  gendoc       Generate documentation for this command
  help         Help about any command
  netmap       Operations with Network Map
  object       Operations with Objects
  session      Operations with session token
  storagegroup Operations with Storage Groups
  tree         Operations with the Tree service
  util         Utility operations

  -c, --config string   Config file (default is $HOME/.config/neofs-cli/config.yaml)
  -h, --help            help for neofs-cli
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output
      --version         Application version and NeoFS API compatibility

Use "neofs-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Trying to get into container and check some project files, which had been noticed in Dockerfile. But we see, there are no files

$ docker run -it nspccdev/neofs-aio:0.34.0 /bin/bash
bash-5.1# cat /usr/bin/privnet-entrypoint.sh
cat: can't open '/usr/bin/privnet-entrypoint.sh': No such file or directory

bash-5.1# ls /usr/bin/neo-go
ls: /usr/bin/neo-go: No such file or directory

bash-5.1# ls /config
ls: /config: No such file or directory

After trying to rebuild image locally

$ make image-aio

In the end restart docker compose and everything is working fine

$ docker-compose down
Stopping nginx_gw ... done
Stopping aio      ... done
Removing nginx_gw ... done
Removing aio      ... done
Removing network neofs-aio_default
$ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "neofs-aio_default" with the default driver
Creating aio ... done
Creating nginx_gw ... done

It looks like the docked image in public hub doesn't contain project files. In my laptop I have 100% reproducing by removing docker image and pulling it from hub

roman-khimov commented 1 year ago

Can you try now after #50? I've just uploaded a 0.36.0 image to the Hub.

roman-khimov commented 1 year ago

Still relevant with the new 0.37.0 image?

smallhive commented 1 year ago

I've checked with 0.37.0 version and the problem is gone.