nss-cohort-40 / bangazon-ecommerce-api-silly-walkers-ecommerce-api

bangazon-ecommerce-api-silly-walkers-ecommerce-api created by GitHub Classroom
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CLIENT & SERVER -- User can recommend product to another user #20

Open JoeShep opened 4 years ago

JoeShep commented 4 years ago

Given the user is viewing a product detail When the user performs a gesture on the Recommend to a friend button Then the user will be presented with a view so (s)he can type in another username and see a Send Notification button

Given the user has entered in another username in the recommendation screen When the user clicks on the Send Notification button Then the user will be taken back to the product detail view that they were viewing originally

Given a user has recommended a product to another user When the receiver logs in next Then the recommendation icon in the navigation bar will have it's notification count increased by one

LukeEsworthy commented 4 years ago

What -- Server Side

A user can send a product to another user

LukeEsworthy commented 4 years ago

How -- Server Side

Notifications will need to be tracked, so that when a user receives a notification (recommended product in this case) from another user, the counter will show upon login and can be clicked to view the notification

LukeEsworthy commented 4 years ago

Dependencies -- Server Side

Customer table ??

LukeEsworthy commented 4 years ago

What -- Client Side

On Product Detail View, there should be a button Recommend to a friend that will open an input field where user can put another user's username in to send to them When the receiver logs in, a notification will show them they have received something

LukeEsworthy commented 4 years ago

How -- Client Side

The Recommend to a friend button should open a view/modal to the user to input the username of a friend who they want to send the product to After user input the username and clicks Send notification, user should be returned to the product detail view

Receiver of the notification should be notified upon login by a notification counter in NavBar

LukeEsworthy commented 4 years ago

Dependencies -- Client Side

Customer table Product table ??