nss-cohort-40 / bangazon-ecommerce-api-silly-walkers-ecommerce-api

bangazon-ecommerce-api-silly-walkers-ecommerce-api created by GitHub Classroom
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CLIENT SIDE -- User can see products and their type on incomplete orders #33

Open JoeShep opened 4 years ago

JoeShep commented 4 years ago

Given a user wants to see a list of incomplete order details When the user clicks on the Reports item in the navigation bar Then a hyperlink labeled Incomplete Orders should be in a list of reports to run

Given user is viewing the list of reports to run When the Incomplete Orders hyperlink is clicked Then the user should be presented with a list of customer names that have incomplete orders that includes the products on those orders

John Reeves

Order 392

  1. Kite
  2. Baby food
  3. Tandem bicycle

Marcus Wheatley

Order 81

  1. Frozen spinach
  2. Super glue
LukeEsworthy commented 4 years ago
LukeEsworthy commented 4 years ago

Create link in NavBar for REPORTS When clicked, user is taken to new page where user can select which reports they wish to view (incomplete and complete)

Orders will display with Customer Name, Order Number, and list of Items ordered.

LukeEsworthy commented 4 years ago
