nss-day-cohort-22 / movie-history-malicious-humans

movie-history-malicious-humans created by GitHub Classroom
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Add movie to watchlist #5

Open krnorris65 opened 6 years ago

krnorris65 commented 6 years ago

Given user wants to add movie to their watch list When user clicks on the “Add to Watchlist” link Then Firebase will check to see if a movie with that movieId already exists in the database And if the movie is not already in the database then the movie will be added to the trackedMovies object in the Firebase Database with keys of: movieId (id in the movie database API), name, year released, movie poster, top 5 major actors and tagline And the movie will be linked to the user through the userMovie object with keys of: userId, movieId, rating and watched And the rating key has a default value of 0 and the watched key has a default value of false

jasonfigueroa commented 6 years ago

Completed everything except for the following

The trackedMovies object does not the the following properties