nss-day-cohort-22 / movie-history-unaccountable-baboons

movie-history-unaccountable-baboons created by GitHub Classroom
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added event listener to watched button #30

Closed kghaggerty closed 6 years ago

kghaggerty commented 6 years ago

git fetch all git pull origin buttonbranch open up local server make sure grunt is building open up dev tools sign is as "dude@dude.com" with a password of "123456" click on home screen..you should see a few movies display(Jurassic Park ect) click on "I've watched this" check to see if an event listener fired in the console. it should look something liek this "jQuery.Event {originalEvent: MouseEvent, type: "click", target: button#-L-9vxfJaw1pq9JINWWG.watch, currentTarget: button#-L-9vxfJaw1pq9JINWWG.watch, isDefaultPrevented: ƒ, …} "clicked watch button"

eagobert-zz commented 6 years ago
