As a user who needs to track tasks, I should be able to enter in a task name, and an expected completion date, and be able to mark them as complete
Acceptance Criteria
Given a user wants to enter a taskWhen the user clicks an affordance for entering a new task (i.e. button or hyperlink)
Then a form should be presented to the user with a field to enter in the task name
And a field to enter in the expected completion date
Given a user wants to mark a task complete
When the user is viewing their task list
Then there should be a checkbox next to each task that, when clicked, should mark the task as complete in the database
And prevent the task from being displayed in the list
Given a user wants to edit a task name
When the user clicks on the name of a task
Then the user should be able to edit the name of the task
And when the enter key is pressed, the new task name should be saved to the database
And the task list should be updated to display the new task name
[x] Create a userTaskForm (includes a field to enter task name, expected completion date, checkbox) with a taskSubmit button
[x] Whatever the user enters in the form field will need to be captured and sent to the user's dashboard task display when the submit button is clicked.
- [ ] Add keyboard code (Enter button, key 13 or 14 I think) to button so the user can simply type and press enter
[x] Add eventListener (task-submit-listener) to taskSubmit button ("click") and eventHandler (task-submit-handler). The task-submit-listener will listen for user-task-input.value (the value of what the user types in the form field) and capture it when the button is clicked. The handler will send the value to the dash (use a "domAppender" sort of function).
Create a task display for the user's tasks with checkboxes next to each task
[ ] eventListener (task-checkbox-listener) for checkboxes and task-checkbox eventHandler (boolean: checkbox on/off)
[ ] when the task-checkbox-handler is on (checked), ping db.json and turn off the event in the db; there should be a function associated with "off" that removes the task from the user's display dash.
As a user who needs to track tasks, I should be able to enter in a task name, and an expected completion date, and be able to mark them as complete
Acceptance Criteria
Given a user wants to enter a task When the user clicks an affordance for entering a new task (i.e. button or hyperlink) Then a form should be presented to the user with a field to enter in the task name And a field to enter in the expected completion date
Given a user wants to mark a task complete When the user is viewing their task list Then there should be a checkbox next to each task that, when clicked, should mark the task as complete in the database And prevent the task from being displayed in the list
Given a user wants to edit a task name When the user clicks on the name of a task Then the user should be able to edit the name of the task And when the enter key is pressed, the new task name should be saved to the database And the task list should be updated to display the new task name