nss-day-cohort-29 / reactive-nutshell-starrywick

reactive-nutshell-starrywick created by GitHub Classroom
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Shared news articles #6

Open jisie opened 5 years ago

jisie commented 5 years ago


As a user, I should be able to list interesting news articles on my dashboard

Acceptance Criteria

Given a user wants to record a news article on their dashboard When the user performs a gesture on a New Article affordance Then a form should be presented to the user in which the following information can be entered

  1. News title
  2. Synopsis
  3. URL

Given a user has entered in all field values for storing a new article When the user performs a gesture on the Save Article affordance Then the article should be saved in the database, and assigned to the user And should have a property of the current timestamp

Given a user has saved news articles When the user visits their dashboard Then the news articles should be presented in the News components, sorted by date in descending order And each article should have an affordance to delete the news article

Given a user wants to remove a previously stored news article When the user performs a gesture on the delete affordance Then the article should be deleted

zwcrawford commented 5 years ago

We need a fetch to get all news articles

New Article form including inputs, labels, and buttons to satisfy the below content:

  1. News title
  2. Synopsis
  3. URL

Check for empty fields Save/ Add button and listener Each article needs to refer to the user who created it. Timestamp needed Sort descending order by timestamp prior to loading the dashboard Populate on the dash in a News List( also involves another fetch) Delete button available for ea News Article