nss-day-cohort-52 / nashville-kennels-frosty-narwhals

nashville-kennels-frosty-narwhals created by GitHub Classroom
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Employee discharge an animal #25

Closed AshHimura closed 3 years ago

AshHimura commented 3 years ago

Branch name is misnamed, but in regards to issue #7 - used provided .then methods to have AnimalRepository delete function remove pet data as well as use syncAnimals funct to get & set list of all animals. Then used history function to push back to list of animals. Also in Employee component - moved employee fire button inside ternary operator so it would only render on employee list but not emp details, and removed unnecessary employeeId key from constructNewAnimal function in AnimalForm component.

keosha-w commented 3 years ago

working as expected approved to merge.

JMR-dev commented 3 years ago

Approved, works correctly.

AshHimura commented 3 years ago
