nss-evening-cohort-06 / company-x-fontourage

company-x-fontourage created by GitHub Classroom
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Product objects #13

Open DreRandaci opened 7 years ago

DreRandaci commented 7 years ago

PRODUCT OBJECTS -empty array to hold product objects -objects have these key/value pairs: name: price: URL: description: rating: -products: -Vape pens -Hoverboards -Fidget Spinners -Beeeezewax (for your killer mustache!) -All 8 seasons of Entourage, including motion picture -Prius Calendar -Shape-up shoes -Pre-worn sleeveless t-shirts -Truck nuts

DreRandaci commented 7 years ago

EMPLOYEE OBJECTS -empty array to hold employee objects -objects will have these key/value pairs: name: title: img: bio: