nss-evening-cohort-10 / chatty-group-project-tomato-frogs

chatty-group-project-tomato-frogs created by GitHub Classroom
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Multiple Users #6

Open zoeames opened 5 years ago

zoeames commented 5 years ago

Possible user flow:

  1. Create a helpers/data/users.js file that holds an array of users (see example below).
  2. Next to the message input box, there should be a radio button group for each name in the list.
  3. When a user enters a message, it should be prepended with the chosen user's name, in bold text.
  4. Keep in mind that this will likely change the structure of yours seed files file since the pre-loaded messages have to have this information on them.
const users = [
  { id: 'user1', name: 'Xavier' },
  { id: 'user2', name: 'Joanna' },
  { id: 'user3', name: 'Gunter' },
  { id: 'user4', name: 'Sven' },
  { id: 'user5', name: 'Mackenzie' }