nss-evening-cohort-10 / foundations-group-project-pardon-us

foundations-group-project-pardon-us created by GitHub Classroom
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Setup #1

Closed CharityBunyon closed 5 years ago

CharityBunyon commented 5 years ago

Story As a developer, you will need to create your index.html (home page), merch.html, about.html, albums.html, main.js and main.css files. Link Bootstrap link and js links on every html. Ensure they are linked to each other.

AC When the page loads Then the page background should be light blue to test CSS And the console should log "hi from js!"

DN create index.html (home page), merch.html, about.html, albums.html, main.js and main.css input basic html frame link css and js to html link bootstrap to html link bootstrap JS links And H1 should say "Pardon Us" background-color: #light-blue console-log "hi from js!"

CharityBunyon commented 5 years ago


CharityBunyon commented 5 years ago
