As a user, I should be able to see financial totals broken up per module (Food, Shows, Souvenirs, Staff) for a specific event.
WHEN I am on the events page and have selected on a single event.
THEN I should be able to see a detailed line item for (foods, shows, souvenirs, staff)
AND I should see the total cost for the event
Dev Notes
[ ] capture the eventId from the selected event on click event
[ ] use the eventId to get the complete event from the smash function.
[ ] use a method (reduce) to add up all the collected totals for the single event.
User Story
As a user, I should be able to see financial totals broken up per module (Food, Shows, Souvenirs, Staff) for a specific event.
WHEN I am on the events page and have selected on a single event. THEN I should be able to see a detailed line item for (foods, shows, souvenirs, staff) AND I should see the total cost for the event
Dev Notes