nss-evening-cohort-10 / nutshell-star-destroyer

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Enemies-Create #22

Closed williaj615 closed 4 years ago

williaj615 commented 4 years ago

User Story

As a logged in user, I should be able to create new enemy when I click on the add enemy button on the top of the page.


WHEN a logged in user clicks on the add enemy button at the top of the page THEN a modal will present to the page with the input fields corresponding to the labels to type in the enemy values THEN the user will click the Save New Enemy button and the modal leaves the page THEN the new enemy is added to the firebase and the new enemy card appears in the enemiespage div on the page

Dev Notes

ConnorSullivan10 commented 4 years ago

Add works only when you click "Save New Enemy" button in modal. "Save Changes" button doesn't work and should be removed. Modal should display with empty inputs when you click "Add New Enemy", but currently the modal will show whatever text you entered into the input form last. "Add New Enemy" button should only display when the user is logged in.