nss-evening-cohort-10 / nutshell-star-destroyer

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Enemies-Update #24

Closed williaj615 closed 4 years ago

williaj615 commented 4 years ago

User Story

As a user, I should be able to click on the Edit button of a specific enemy and modify any trait value associated with that enemy.


WHEN I click the Edit button on an enemy card THEN a modal will open to modify any given trait value of the enemy AND the user can click the Save Changes button, the modal disappears from the page THEN Firebase will be updated with the modify enemy information THEN the modified changes will show on the enemy card on the page

Dev Notes

ConnorSullivan10 commented 4 years ago

EDIT functionality doesn't work. Modal needs to prepopulate with key value pairs of the object clicked, and firebase data should be edited then reprinted after clicking the "Save" button in the modal.