Your team has been assigned to the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, Devastator. Upon arriving from the Royal Imperial Academy you are to begin work on a systems dashboard that will include Personnel, Weapons, Planetary Sectors, Planetary Systems and a database of Enemies. Authenticated operators will be able to perform full CRUD on each of these modules, and Galactic Empire branding will be evident on all view screens. Note that weapons systems will include complement vehicles such as TIE line starfighters for ship to ship combat, AT-AT & AT-ST vehicles for planetary ground assaults, as well as turbolaser batteries and ion cannons for planetary bombardments. Long live the Empire!
Due Date
The demo for this project will take place on Monday April 20th
Labor Division
Everyone on your team is responsible for CRUD on one collection.
If your project requires more collections than you have people it is expected that you evenly distribute the remaining work
We expect everyone's code contributions to be close (within 200 lines of code) by the end of the project
Are you a CSS wizard? If so you shouldn't be doing CSS on this project. Pick tickets that are outside your comfort zone.
Planning Requirements
Each team has been assigned a Project Manager. Your Project Manager is Greg
Your product owner is the only person you can ask requirement questions - none of the other Project Managers know your project
You can ask any instructor coding questions
Your site should be fully branded - so you should have wireframes as needed. Use this style guide for inspiration
You MUST show your Product Manager your ERD and wireframes before you begin writing tickets
Your team should be writing good tickets. Instructors will NOT be checking tickets but if you come asking for help and the ticket you are working on doesn't have dev notes we will send you back to your team.
Technical Requirements
The only link that you can demo is a deployed firebase link
Create 1 firebase project - team leads will own this (add everyone else on your team)
You can use ANY technology we have used so far - jquery, bootstrap, es6 modules, etc
Properly use github - a branch for each feature. Test each others PRs.
CLEAN CODE - there should be no eslint errors or warnings on a PR and functions should obey single responsibility principle
High Level MVP
Authentication for (CUD)
Fully branded webpage
NOTE - If your group finishes everything please ask your Project Owner for stretch goals - DO NOT MAKE UP YOUR OWN
Star Destroyer Dashboard
Your team has been assigned to the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, Devastator. Upon arriving from the Royal Imperial Academy you are to begin work on a systems dashboard that will include Personnel, Weapons, Planetary Sectors, Planetary Systems and a database of Enemies. Authenticated operators will be able to perform full CRUD on each of these modules, and Galactic Empire branding will be evident on all view screens. Note that weapons systems will include complement vehicles such as TIE line starfighters for ship to ship combat, AT-AT & AT-ST vehicles for planetary ground assaults, as well as turbolaser batteries and ion cannons for planetary bombardments. Long live the Empire!
Due Date
The demo for this project will take place on Monday April 20th
Labor Division
Planning Requirements
Technical Requirements
High Level MVP
NOTE - If your group finishes everything please ask your Project Owner for stretch goals - DO NOT MAKE UP YOUR OWN