nss-evening-cohort-11 / nutshell-ewoks-droids

Star Destroyer
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Mission - Update #125

Open stephencastaneda opened 4 years ago

stephencastaneda commented 4 years ago

User Story

As a user, I should be able to edit missions in the list.


WHEN the mission page loads THEN each mission should have an edit button AND when I click that edit button a modal should pop up AND the modal should be populated with the info from that mission AND when I hit the save button it updates firebase

Dev Notes

in index.html add bootstrap modal change the id from exampleModal to missionEditModal in mission component Add an edit button - use fontawesome pencil, give it a class of edit-mission Make sure there is a mission id on the card in the-galaxy component add an event listener to the clickEvents function on .edit-mission that called editMissionEvent on click editMissionEvent should open the modal - $('#missionEditModal').modal('show') v2 in the-galaxy component modify editMissionEvent to call missionData.getSingleMission (pass in the missionId from the closest card) missionData.getSingleMission accept a missionId and should do axios.get to missions/${missionId}.json on failure of missionData.getSingleMission promise console.error('could not get mission') on success of missionData.getSingleMission promise target every input on the modal and set the value to what comes back: $('#edit-mission-name').val(); ^^ mission is the the thing that comes back in .then add an event listener to the edit button on the modal - this should call updateMissionEvent updateMissionEvent should build up the mission object (grabs values from each input) to get the uid firebase.auth().currentUser.uid missionData.updateMission and passes in the new mission object AND the missionId missionData.updateMission takes in updatedMission and missionId, and does axios.put to missions.json on failure of missionData.updateMission promise console.error('not able to update') on success of missionData.updateMission close the modal AND recall printMission