As a user, I should be able to view all the personnel in the galaxy
WHEN looking at the personnel page
THEN I should see all the personnel
create a div in index.html with an id of 'the-war-room', add a class of "hide"
update authData.checkLoginStatus and add removeClass into the if statement for 'the-war-room'
create a 'warRoom' component with a function called 'printPersonnel' add this function to the export default
'printPersonnel' should call personnelData.getAllPersonnel promise 'console.error('unable to get personnel')
on success of 'personnelData.getAllPersonnel' promise should build up a 'domString' with a h2 tag and loop over all the personnel and for each personnel call 'personnelComponent.buildPersonnel'
Create 'personnelComponent' - make 'buildPersonnel' function and export it
'buildPersonnel' should return a 'domString' that is a card for the personnel
'printPersonnel' should call 'utils.printToDom' and pass in 'the-hangar' as the id
As a user, I should be able to view all the personnel in the galaxy
WHEN looking at the personnel page THEN I should see all the personnel
create a div in index.html with an id of 'the-war-room', add a class of "hide" update authData.checkLoginStatus and add removeClass into the if statement for 'the-war-room' create a 'warRoom' component with a function called 'printPersonnel' add this function to the export default 'printPersonnel' should call personnelData.getAllPersonnel promise 'console.error('unable to get personnel') on success of 'personnelData.getAllPersonnel' promise should build up a 'domString' with a h2 tag and loop over all the personnel and for each personnel call 'personnelComponent.buildPersonnel' Create 'personnelComponent' - make 'buildPersonnel' function and export it 'buildPersonnel' should return a 'domString' that is a card for the personnel 'printPersonnel' should call 'utils.printToDom' and pass in 'the-hangar' as the id