nss-evening-cohort-12 / dino-kennel

A place to see all your dinos and send them on adventures!
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Dino Data #2

Closed luketlancaster closed 4 years ago

luketlancaster commented 4 years ago

User Story

As a dev there should be a collection of dino objects I can access


WHEN the main.js is loaded THEN a dinos array should be defined AND I should be able to retrieve and add to the dinos array

Dev Notes

JeremiahV93 commented 4 years ago

Should there be a value for personality that will be a string that is displayed when viewing a single dinosaur.

personality: "",
luketlancaster commented 4 years ago

TODO: coming up with the id this way is a Bad Idea™️. Come up with a better way:

luketlancaster commented 4 years ago

add isDeleted boolean

luketlancaster commented 4 years ago
const dinos = [
    id: 'dino1',
    name: 'Rex',
    type: 'T Rex',
    age: 100,
    owner: 'Matt',
    adventures: [],
    health: 92,
    imageUrl: 'https://www.fieldandstream.com/resizer/8xkluKAxQZsEHJKj6qwyU0mLhTo=/760x448/filters:focal(458x270:459x271)/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-bonnier.s3.amazonaws.com/public/TQFN3CD5DAEM4DL2ACD42ZJ5E4.png'
    id: 'dino2',
    name: 'Steve',
    type: 'Velociraptor',
    age: 1,
    owner: 'Michael',
    adventures: [],
    health: 1,
    imageUrl: 'https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/61UAAOSweNpdmtI2/s-l640.png'
    id: 'dino3',
    name: 'Susan',
    type: 'stegosaurus',
    age: 55,
    owner: 'Luke',
    adventures: [],
    health: 0,
    imageUrl: 'https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/owYTb9X5fKpeBhgiaxD73b-320-80.jpg'
    id: 'dino4',
    name: 'Barry',
    type: 'Brontosaurus',
    age: 100,
    owner: 'Matt',
    adventures: [],
    health: 100,
    imageUrl: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/_rJSL88ErOEvgHl5SInWOEolOdikwIMcKWPv9iqZzt3IUkD33WdG6d9qd8TmNJFSiszTXm7JeGQPocmB_BZErKxt__25LOpW75dmnVuy0nuY0PatX2cIYA-C'
    id: 'dino5',
    name: 'Steph',
    type: 'Spinosaurus',
    age: 100,
    owner: 'Matt',
    adventures: [],
    health: 75,
    imageUrl: 'https://cdn1.bigcommerce.com/n-yp39j5/ujq6o/products/1060/images/2390/Papo_Spinosaurus_2019_DansDinosaurs__69805.1552618774.1280.1280.jpg?c=2'
    id: 'dino6',
    name: 'Tim',
    type: 'Talarurus',
    age: 100,
    owner: 'Matt',
    adventures: [],
    health: 55,
    imageUrl: 'https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dinosaurs/images/2/2b/TalarurusInfobox.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20150512165226'
    id: 'dino7',
    name: 'Tracy',
    type: 'Triceratops',
    age: 100,
    owner: 'Matt',
    adventures: [],
    health: 0,
    imageUrl: 'https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81Wsvp2M7iL._AC_SX425_.jpg'
    id: 'dino8',
    name: 'Percy',
    type: 'Pterodactyl',
    age: 10,
    owner: 'Michael',
    adventures: [],
    health: 10,
    imageUrl: 'https://images.dinosaurpictures.org/3_pterodactyl_63be.jpg'
    id: 'dino9',
    name: 'Betty',
    type: 'brontosaurus',
    age: 22,
    owner: 'Matt',
    adventures: [],
    health: 22,
    imageUrl: 'https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTOdrC7hlvBawFQ7g8vgwHcfQphX5WfeN2bth0dvc4M2oxNGdSD'