As a user when i visit the visitors page i should see a list of visitors and a button at the top of the page that says buy. When the buy button is clicked each visitor at random should buy a ride or item from a vendor. This tracked and logged within the visitor somehow ( #105 )
When the user visits the visitor page i should see a list of visitors and a button that says buy
When the buy button is clicked each visitor and somewhere on each visitor it should show what they bought or total spent
What is bought should be at random for each visitor
To Do
[x] Create a new component called randomBuy
[x] Create a new files named randomBuy
[x] Create a button or symbol that symbolizes buying something
[x] Create a function that loops through all visitors
[x] Put the visitor loop function into another function that chooses a ride or vendor at random and adds it to the visitor
[x] After the RNG buy function the data/information should push to another fuction that logs the data for each user ( #105 )
User Story
As a user when i visit the visitors page i should see a list of visitors and a button at the top of the page that says buy. When the buy button is clicked each visitor at random should buy a ride or item from a vendor. This tracked and logged within the visitor somehow ( #105 )
When the user visits the visitor page i should see a list of visitors and a button that says buy When the buy button is clicked each visitor and somewhere on each visitor it should show what they bought or total spent What is bought should be at random for each visitor
To Do
Code Sample
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