nss-evening-cohort-12 / pants-trousers

pants-trousers created by GitHub Classroom
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Home Page Landing Site #4

Open jeaninebeckle opened 4 years ago

jeaninebeckle commented 4 years ago

User Story

As a user, when I visit the website, I should see a home page with various products, ways to connect with the company, and links to other parts of the website(order, about, etc.)


WHEN the user visits the site THEN I should see the landing page AND the company name should be displayed at the top AND there should be a navbar with links to the other site pages underneath the co. name AND there should be a paragraph about who we are as a company and what we offer AND there should be a carousel of images that display some of our products AND a popup(alert) should appear with the option to sign up for a newsletter and get a coupon code AND there should be a picture of a guy in ridiculous trousers whose name is Nate and he is the founder AND a super sale card should be displayed AND a footer should be at the bottom with (insert content here)

Dev Notes

image (1) image (2)