nss-evening-cohort-12 / pants-trousers

pants-trousers created by GitHub Classroom
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Our Buyers/Product Review Page #9

Open jeaninebeckle opened 4 years ago

jeaninebeckle commented 4 years ago

User Story

As a user, when I go to the reviews page from nav bar or footer, I should see reviews for the different styles of pants and be able to filter by rating or style.


WHEN the user views the review page THEN I should see all the reviews when the page loads AND there should be a drop down to filter by rating AND there should be a drop down to filter by model AND there should be a way to see all of the reviews.

image (1)

Dev Notes

There is a reviews array that will print to the Dom, cards two per row. They will display the customers name, star rating, their review, and style from the review array and pull the image from the pants array that matches the style in the review array. printReviewCard() filterByRating() "clickevent/dropdown" filterByModelReview() "clickevent/dropdown"