nss-evening-cohort-12 / rare-publishing-smoky-mountains

rare-publishing-smoky-mountains created by GitHub Classroom
1 stars 0 forks source link

Register #48

Open hannahhall opened 3 years ago

hannahhall commented 3 years ago

User Story

As a potential user I would like to be able to create an account in the system so that I may use it's features.


Given a potential user wants to create an account in the system
When they select the Register option from the menu
Then they should be directed to a form where they are prompted to enter their User Profile information

Given a potential user has entered their User Profile information
when they click the Register button
Then a new User Profile should be created in the database
And the User Profile should have a user type of Author
And the User Profile's creation datetime should be set to the current date end time
And the user should be directed to the homepage

The User Profile information is:

Dev Notes

MarkyAaronYoung commented 3 years ago

2 point