nss-evening-cohort-9 / foundations-group-project-kiss-the-goat

foundations-group-project-kiss-the-goat created by GitHub Classroom
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Research fa fa cart item counter in nav bar for #27

Closed jpantana closed 5 years ago

jpantana commented 5 years ago

User Story

As a user, when I click "add to cart" button, a cart icon in the top left of nav bar should be incrementally counting with each item


WHEN i click "add to cart" THEN a cart icon in nav bar should have a number that incrementally counts reflecting how many individual items are in my cart


zoeames commented 5 years ago

For this case you shouldn't need a counter. Just use the cart.length. You will always want this number to match the number of things in your array exactly. Please rework the development section to account for this change

jpantana commented 5 years ago

For inspiration: https://codepen.io/chcculle/pen/qPrWBK