nss-evening-cohort-9 / foundations-group-project-kiss-the-goat

foundations-group-project-kiss-the-goat created by GitHub Classroom
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fixed problems with JS, and linked the navBar to every page #39

Closed KeithRWalker closed 5 years ago

KeithRWalker commented 5 years ago


Take a look at this please. After pulling from master I realized that the entire site was not functioning as intended so I went ahead, and got it working as well as I could. I'm gonna go over what I did here as best as i can, because I changed everyone's page, and want you guys to be aware of what I did, and be the ones to have the final say on your code. I didn't mean to mess with anyone's stuff, but after looking everything over I realized there was just a couple of things breaking everything. I didn't delete anything, just commented some stuff out, and I haven't merged or anything like that so please don't bite my head off.

NavBar Feature

printMap(), and printCart() functions

Styling Issues
