nss-evening-cohort-9 / foundations-group-project-kiss-the-goat

foundations-group-project-kiss-the-goat created by GitHub Classroom
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navBar loads upon page load #4

Closed emilykdewitt closed 5 years ago

emilykdewitt commented 5 years ago

User Story

As a user, when I visit the 'Taproom' page of the Kiss the Goat website, I would like to see a navigation bar at the top of the page that allows me to navigate to other pages of the site from the 'Taproom' page.

Acceptance Criteria

WHEN the 'Taproom' page loads THEN a navbar with the Kiss the Goat logo and links to other Kiss the Goat pages appears at the top of the page AND when I click the links, the corresponding page loads




zoeames commented 5 years ago


emilykdewitt commented 5 years ago

mock-up beer pgae