nss-evening-cohort-9 / foundations-group-project-kiss-the-goat

foundations-group-project-kiss-the-goat created by GitHub Classroom
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Contact/location info #7

Closed emilykdewitt closed 5 years ago

emilykdewitt commented 5 years ago

User Story

As a user, when I visit the taproom page of the website, I should see the address, hours, phone number, and a link to schedule a tour at the top of the page located to the right of the map.

Acceptance Criteria

WHEN the 'Taproom' page loads THEN the address, hours, phone number, and a link to schedule a brewery tour will be displayed to the right of the dynamic map THEN when I click the 'Schedule a tour' link, a prompt appears that says 'Your request for a tour has been sent!'




zoeames commented 5 years ago

can you add a wireframe to the ticket?

emilykdewitt commented 5 years ago

mock-up beer pgae

zoeames commented 5 years ago
