nss-evening-cohort-9 / nutshell-pistachio

nutshell-pistachio created by GitHub Classroom
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Events - Read #10

Closed sarah-weatherbee closed 5 years ago

sarah-weatherbee commented 5 years ago

User Story

As a user, I want to see my saved events when I visit my dashboard.

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN a user has saved events WHEN the user visits their dashboard THEN the events should be presented in the Events component AND the user should only see events that belong to their uid.


Display the events from firebase seed data

Make a promise to pull down data from firebase eventsData.js file in helpers In promise, import firebase url axios.get input firebaseUrl .then make empty array loop through each object that comes back push each object to the empty array resolve the array

For displaying events: events.js Make new fucntion, getEvents, calling function I made in eventsData inside it eventsData.getdatabase .then(resp => eventBuilder(resp) .catch use uid to display objects that have the same key/value as user.uid.


look up: axios.get axios.post - used to add new data axios.patch - use to filter axios.put axios.update axios.delete