nss-evening-cohort-9 / nutshell-pistachio

nutshell-pistachio created by GitHub Classroom
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Events #2

Open zoeames opened 5 years ago

zoeames commented 5 years ago

User Story

As a user, I should be able to enter in an event that will happen at a future date and see all my events.

Acceptance Criteria


GIVEN a user wants to keep track on a future event WHEN the user clicks an affordance to enter a new event in the application THEN a form should be presented to the user in which the following properties of the event can be provided

  1. Name of event
  2. Date of event
  3. Location of event

GIVEN a user has entered in all details of an event WHEN the user performs a gesture to save the event THEN the event should be displayed in the application in the Events component


GIVEN a user has saved events WHEN the user visits their dashboard THEN the events should be presented in the Events component AND the user should only see articles that belong to their uid.


GIVEN a user wants to change the details of an event WHEN the user performs a gesture to edit an event THEN the user should be presented with a form that has the event details pre-filled into the fields AND there should be an affordance to save the new details


GIVEN a user wants to delete an event WHEN the user clicks a delete affordance THEN the event is removed from firebase and no longer displays in the event component