nss-evening-cohort-9 / nutshell-pistachio

nutshell-pistachio created by GitHub Classroom
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Diary - Create #22

Open wchipchase opened 5 years ago

wchipchase commented 5 years ago

User Story

As a user, I would like to keep track of my diary entries.

Acceptance Criteria

-GIVEN a user wants to create a diary entry on their dashboard -WHEN the user performs a gesture on a New Diary affordance -THEN a form should be presented to the user in which the following information can be entered

Date title entry

-GIVEN a user has entered in all field values for storing a new diary entry -WHEN the user performs a gesture on the Save Diary affordance -THEN the diary should be saved in the database, and assigned to the user


There should be two areas related to the Diary at the bottom of the page. The Text box and previous messages. The last 3 messages should remain in the list. Each Saved message should have an edit and delete option The Text Box should have a clear and delete button. An event listener to Link Diary to nav bar