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segues على الفك - NSScreencast #103

Open subdigital opened 3 years ago

subdigital commented 3 years ago

Written on 07/20/2014 22:55:44

URL: https://nsscreencast.com/episodes/108-unwinding-segues

subdigital commented 3 years ago

originally written by Guruprasad Inamdar on 02/20/2014 18:51:15

Hi Thanks for the episode and as usual nice simple and informative.
One question though what was the use of having "identifier" saveSegue if all we care was checking the boolean property is true?

subdigital commented 3 years ago

originally written by Guruprasad Inamdar on 02/20/2014 21:15:08

sorry for this i understood now when watched again. performSegueWithIdentifier and that we are triggering it manually unlike others which happened automatically

subdigital commented 3 years ago

originally written by subdigital on 02/20/2014 21:20:04

Exactly. If our view controller already had the requisite state we needed (perhaps by the existence of text in the textField) then we could just use the automatic unwind segue and be done.

But an explicit cancel after entering text should still be supported, hence the flag.

subdigital commented 3 years ago

originally written by bringel on 03/15/2014 16:40:59

What's the benefit of manually unwinding from the save button and checking some property instead of creating another unwind segue for saving? That way you don't have to check any flags and can just access the property.

subdigital commented 3 years ago

originally written by lateAtNight on 03/18/2014 18:00:30

Is it possible to do this when the navigation controller + view controller is presented as a "Form Sheet" on the iPad? Got it working on the iPhone but doesn't seem to work on iPad this way. Thanks.

subdigital commented 3 years ago

originally written by DD on 07/20/2014 05:06:42

How is this different from the Dismissal of a modal?

subdigital commented 3 years ago

originally written by subdigital on 07/26/2014 21:20:52

It allows treating all unwinds in a similar fashion.