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JSON API Client - Part 2 - NSScreencast #106

Open subdigital opened 3 years ago

subdigital commented 3 years ago

Written on 01/14/2016 16:45:42

URL: https://nsscreencast.com/episodes/204-json-api-client-part-2

subdigital commented 3 years ago

originally written by godofbiscuits on 01/22/2016 06:18:48

The source code is missing for this installment. FYI

subdigital commented 3 years ago

originally written by subdigital on 01/22/2016 15:07:01

Thanks for the heads up, the source has been posted.

subdigital commented 3 years ago

originally written by godofbiscuits on 01/24/2016 00:40:55

No problem! Thanks for all the great tutorials.

subdigital commented 3 years ago

originally written by Andreas Siegl on 03/30/2016 07:47:05

Is it necessary to write an [unowned self] before calling "self.debugLog("")"?

subdigital commented 3 years ago

originally written by subdigital on 03/30/2016 14:18:35

It is not necessary here.

ApiClient creates the block, the block refers to self. Once the request is finished, the block will be released, and so will it’s retain on self.
You need to be careful to add [unowned self] if the block will live as long as the class (their lifecycles are bound together). Then you’d have a scenario where self never gets deallocated because the block is retaining it.