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Logging with Swifty Beaver #131

Open subdigital opened 3 years ago

subdigital commented 3 years ago

Written on 01/13/2017 15:30:50

URL: https://nsscreencast.com/episodes/244-logging-with-swifty-beaver

subdigital commented 3 years ago

originally written by algal on 02/21/2017 15:06:42

This is a very helpful run-through.

I'd love it if you could also do an episode describing the new Unified Logging API, or one of the more popular solutions like CocoaLumberjack.

Logging, like JSON de/serialization, is one of those things that almost every large app needs but the platform does not provide a comprehensive solution.

IMHO the Unified Logging system has serious usability problems. I believe you cannot direct your device logs to files, automatically send them to a server, or view them from the Terminal. And, from Swift, it doesn't provide a particularly convenient API, nor any API at all for activity tracing, which is one of the system's unique features.