Open subdigital opened 3 years ago
originally written by Ricky Nelson on 04/18/2015 20:14:23
There seems to be an error in the project. Here is what I did:
$ git clone
$ cd nsscreencast/165-road-trip-dj-part-10/RoadTripDJ
$ open RoadTripDJ.xcodeproj
Push the build and run button
/Users/socketwiz/dev/samples/nsscreencast/165-road-trip-dj-part-10/RoadTripDJ/RoadTripDJ/ViewController.m:45:52: No visible @interface for 'SamplePlaylistItem' declares the selector 'initWithImage:artist:song:'
originally written by subdigital on 04/18/2015 20:18:10
Yeah I forgot to fix that up in the demo code I checked in. The reason I didn't catch it is that it was in the #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR compiler preprocessor, so when I built for device that code was skipped over. I'll fix it and update the code. (You can quickly fix it also by changing "song" to "title"). Thanks for letting me know.
originally written by Ricky Nelson on 04/18/2015 20:19:42
Thanks for the quick reply, that did it, thanks!
Written on 01/11/2018 10:49:50