nst / STTwitter

A stable, mature and comprehensive Objective-C library for Twitter REST API 1.1
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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media_ids parameter is invalid. #287

Open jstngoulet opened 6 years ago

jstngoulet commented 6 years ago

When posting a status to twitter, twitter returns err:

Error Domain=STTwitterTwitterErrorDomain Code=44 "media_ids parameter is invalid." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=media_ids parameter is invalid., NSUnderlyingError=0x60c00065e8a0 {Error Domain=STHTTPRequest Code=400 "HTTP Status 400: Bad Request" UserInfo={headers=<CFBasicHash 0x60c0008763c0 [0x114208960]>{type = immutable dict, count = 21,
entries =>
    0 : Content-Encoding = gzip
    1 : Set-Cookie = <CFString 0x60c0006200a0 [0x114208960]>{contents = "personalization_id="v1_k5HaPSgKUCXgIWMwDMqyVA=="; Expires=Tue, 03 Dec 2019 05:58:43 UTC; Path=/; Domain=.twitter.com, lang=en; Path=/, guest_id=v1%3A151228072394052368; Expires=Tue, 03 Dec 2019 05:58:43 UTC; Path=/; Domain=.twitter.com"}
    2 : x-connection-hash = <CFString 0x604000671ec0 [0x114208960]>{contents = "e1b94608f92e3131df946f696c7c5367"}
    3 : Server = tsa_a
    4 : Cache-Control = <CFString 0x6040002956d0 [0x114208960]>{contents = "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0"}
    5 : Strict-Transport-Security = <CFString 0x6040006428e0 [0x114208960]>{contents = "max-age=631138519"}
    6 : Status = <CFString 0x604000648cd0 [0x114208960]>{contents = "400 Bad Request"}
    8 : x-transaction = <CFString 0x604000659260 [0x114208960]>{contents = "004100c000ddab51"}
    9 : x-tsa-request-body-time = 3
    10 : x-response-time = 14
    12 : Pragma = no-cache
    21 : Content-Disposition = <CFString 0x60400045eea0 [0x114208960]>{contents = "attachment; filename=json.json"}
    22 : Content-Length = 92
    23 : x-xss-protection = <CFString 0x604000637c60 [0x114208960]>{contents = "1; mode=block"}
    24 : Date = <CFString 0x604000456f20 [0x114208960]>{contents = "Sun, 03 Dec 2017 05:58:43 GMT"}
    29 : Expires = <CFString 0x604000455f00 [0x114208960]>{contents = "Tue, 31 Mar 1981 05:00:00 GMT"}
    33 : x-frame-options = <CFString 0x604000822f80 [0x114208960]>{contents = "SAMEORIGIN"}
    35 : x-twitter-response-tags = <CFString 0x604000644f20 [0x114208960]>{contents = "BouncerCompliant"}
    36 : Content-Type = <CFString 0x604000670280 [0x114208960]>{contents = "application/json; charset=utf-8"}
    39 : x-content-type-options = nosniff
    40 : Last-Modified = <CFString 0x6040006436f0 [0x114208960]>{contents = "Sun, 03 Dec 2017 05:58:43 GMT"}
, NSLocalizedDescription=HTTP Status 400: Bad Request, body={"errors":[{"code":44,"message":"media_ids parameter is invalid."}]}}}})```