nstosic / toptal-flutter-chat

This is the source-code reference for the Toptal Engineering Blog article on using Flutter and Firebase to develop cross-platform instant messaging application.
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Compile errors with current repo code #9

Open drkaleem opened 4 years ago

drkaleem commented 4 years ago

Has the code changed. I get a lot of compile error. Here are few errors.

  1. error: 'CreateChatroomBloc.close' ('void Function()') isn't a valid override of 'Bloc.close' ('Future Function()'). (invalid_override at [toptal_chat] lib\create_chatroom\create_chatroom_bloc.dart:60)
  2. error: The named parameter 'builder' isn't defined. (undefined_named_parameter at [toptal_chat] lib\create_chatroom\create_chatroom_view.dart:24)
  3. error: The named parameter 'timestampsInSnapshotsEnabled' isn't defined. (undefined_named_parameter at [toptal_chat] lib\model\firebase_repo.dart:12)

PS: I fixed the rxdart issue by adding it to pubspec.

nstosic commented 4 years ago

Thanks for posting the issue. The compilation errors are caused by outdated implementation. That is, the code in the repo has been implemented using older versions of dependencies. So, when you ran flutter pub get you most likely got newer versions of the dependencies that didn't provide backwards compatibility. I'll update the code, but it won't be any time soon. Most likely it'll be by the end of this month.

nstosic commented 4 years ago

Hey, I'm sorry that I didn't follow up on my promise yet. There is an ongoing major refactoring of the FlutterFire libraries. Once that's merged and released I'll rewrite the entire example application in this repo with the latest release of FlutterFire dependencies. It will also feature support for macOS.