nstrayer / datadrivencv

R package for building customizable CVs from spreadsheets
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academic citation in CV #72

Open gregmacfarlane opened 3 years ago

gregmacfarlane commented 3 years ago

This is a really interesting template, and I've had fun playing around with it to make my own CV.

One thing I have discovered is that the default entry with bulleted description isn't well suited to how I want to present my academic publications. Most of the time, I just want a simple bibliographic citation. Here it is on my current CV: Latex CV entry

If I put the title and year in the google sheet, the default print_section() function returns this: default data driven CV Additional information on authors, journal, etc. just appears as bullets, which isn't ideal.

I noticed that the glue_template argument to print_section() was an available argument. I also added columns on the google sheet for author, journal, and doi. So now if I do this:

CV %>% print_section('journal_articles', glue_template = "{authors} ({end}). {title}. *{journal}*. {doi} \n\n\n")

the CV prints as Screen Shot 2021-09-22 at 8 52 45 AM

So, apparently it has to have a heading to get the bullet and timeline correct? Changing the text glue to to add a dummy heading works for the first citation, but not for the second. It also doesn't put together the timeline.

CV %>% print_section('journal_articles', glue_template = "### article \n {authors} ({end}). {title}. *{journal}*. {doi} \n\n\n")

Screen Shot 2021-09-22 at 8 54 32 AM

What I want

I'm trying to figure out how to (in order of importance) :

  1. print an entry that is properly indented without an additional heading
  2. ideally, it might be nice to have a year timeline for each collection of entries; that is, each article from 2021 gets printed under "2021" in the timeline.
mariadelmarq commented 1 year ago

@gregmacfarlane I have just gone through exactly the same process as you. Have you or @nstrayer figured out a solution yet?

mariadelmarq commented 1 year ago

@gregmacfarlane Ok, so based on a lot of trial and error, and also this blog post: https://towardsdatascience.com/create-your-resume-with-pagedown-package-in-r-123ca6310d52, I was able to get what I wanted. I export a bib file of my articles from Zotero, so I may have named some fields differently to the spreadsheet.

glue_template <- "

{authors} <a href={URL}, target='_blank'>{title}</a>. *{publisher}*

results in:


I hope that helps others wanting the same thing :)

witszymanski commented 1 year ago

@mariadelmarq How do you attach now the bib file from Zotero? Or you still use googlesheets somehow? Can you explain how to add now the entries from bib to the document?


mariadelmarq commented 1 year ago

Hi @witszymanski, so sorry for the delay in my response! You can have a look at how I read in the bib file in my repository, namely this line: https://github.com/mariadelmarq/cv-mquiroga/blob/a41c95308605c0ca9aaeb8a51b67bbe1c578d070/R/cv_printing_functions.r#L24C44-L24C44. Hope that helps!