nstrelow / ha_philips_android_tv

Home Assistant custom component for the newer (2016+) Philips Android TVs
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New power on/off method via chromecast #31

Open nstrelow opened 4 years ago

nstrelow commented 4 years ago

Copied from https://community.home-assistant.io/t/philips-android-tv-component/17749/431?u=nstrelow

Somebody has found a new (?) way to power on the TV via a chromecast command, which works for me instantly and even if the TV is in deep sleep. Works much better than the WoL approach, the details are here: https://github.com/eslavnov/pylips/issues/52#issuecomment-568311342 9 and https://github.com/eslavnov/pylips/issues/52#issuecomment-569831450 5

@nstrelow, maybe you can implement this in your component?

busshi commented 4 years ago

Hello I tried to wake up my TV with this command :

curl -v http://IP:8008/apps/ChromeCast -X POST

But it doesn’t work even if the TV is well set up. I am wondering how this command can work if the TV is in deep sleep and LAN interface are down ??

nstrelow commented 4 years ago

I will have to test and see (in April).

I was hoping that LAN would stay connected and Chromecast would stay online. Will have some tries in April.

But please feel free to report/test more. This helps a lot 😄

crbyxwpzfl commented 4 years ago

I just came across this while i was looking for the right URL to the ChromeCast for me curl -X POST http://ip-address:8008/apps/ChromeCast works.

Im using this great tool https://github.com/eslavnov/pylips under built-in-commands 87. he suggests running allow_power_on to allow to remotely power on the TV via chromecast request

with his tool: python3 pylips.py --host %TV's_ip_address% --user %username% --pass %password% --command allow_power_on

with curl: curl -X POST --digest --insecure -u username:password https://ip-address:1926/6/menuitems/settings/update -d "values":[{"value":{"Nodeid":2131230736, "data": {"selected_item":1}}}]

He has very good documentation in the wiki.

not sure if this helps like I said I just stubbled across this.

nstrelow commented 4 years ago

Thanks, maybe be a good option to use instead of my code or give some ideas how to improve this component