nstudio / nativescript-audio

:microphone: NativeScript plugin to record and play audio :musical_note:
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Android: Fix ducking after track paused on pre-Oreo Android devices #187

Closed StevenGBrown closed 3 years ago

StevenGBrown commented 3 years ago

To reproduce:

  1. Start the track in the demo app.
  2. Play a sound in another app. (I used the test sound in Google Maps.) Notice that the demo app ducks the volume of the playing track.
  3. Go back to the demo app. Pause and resume the track.
  4. Play a sound in another app again. Bug: This time the demo app doesn't change the volume of the track.

Fixed by retaining the _mOnAudioFocusChangeListener when pausing so that it can be used when resuming again.