nsupdate-info / nsupdate.info

Dynamic DNS service
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Add MikroTik example script #317

Closed tomkap closed 6 years ago

tomkap commented 7 years ago

Working for MikroTik RouterOS 6.x

The script (/system script ...):

:global ddnsuser "username"
:global ddnspass "password"
:global theinterface "interface"
:global ddnshost hostname.nsupdate.info
:global ipddns [:resolve $ddnshost];
:global ipfresh [ /ip address get [/ip address find interface=$theinterface ] address ]
:if ([ :typeof $ipfresh ] = nil ) do={
   :log info ("nsupdate.info: No ip address on $theinterface .")
} else={
   :for i from=( [:len $ipfresh] - 1) to=0 do={ 
      :if ( [:pick $ipfresh $i] = "/") do={ 
    :set ipfresh [:pick $ipfresh 0 $i];

:if ($ipddns != $ipfresh) do={
    :log info ("nsupdate.info: IP = $ipddns")
    :log info ("nsupdate.info: IP-Fresh = $ipfresh")
   :log info "nsupdate.info: Update IP needed, Sending UPDATE...!"
   :global str "/nic/update\?hostname=$ddnshost&myip=$ipfresh"
   /tool fetch address=ipv4.nsupdate.info src-path=$str mode=http user=$ddnsuser \
         password=$ddnspass dst-path=("/nsupdate.info.".$ddnshost)
    :delay 1
    :global str [/file find name="nsupdate.info.$ddnshost"];
    /file remove $str
    :global ipddns $ipfresh
  :log info "nsupdate.info: IP updated to $ipfresh!"
    } else={
     :log info "nsupdate.info: dont need changes";

The scheduler:

/system scheduler
add interval=1m name=nsupdate.info on-event=nsupdate.info policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,password,sniff,sensitive,api start-time=startup
changeme commented 6 years ago

Hi. That is not a bug. Please, do a pull request (and pray to be accepted)

ThomasWaldmann commented 6 years ago

Praying doesn't work. But a pull request would save us some work.

tomkap commented 6 years ago

Sorry I'm moving to gitlab, see you there