nswalters / AppTrakz-Client

React Client for AppTrakz application for documenting the job application process.
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Safe-Delete Cascade Job #26

Closed nswalters closed 3 years ago

nswalters commented 3 years ago

As a user, I would like the ability to remove a job and any references to that job from my list without actually deleting them, to allow for restoration in the near future if required.

Given a user is visiting the list of jobs OR a job detail view When they select the Delete option Then the should be prompted to confirm the deletion

Given a user wishes to confirm the delete When they then select the option to confirm Then the job should be 'soft-deleted' from the system (i.e. the 'deleted' column is populated with the timestamp of the soft-delete operation, it is otherwise NULL) And the user the user should be redirected to the job list view

Given the user decides not to confirm the delete When they select the option to reject confirmation Then the job should NOT be soft-deleted And the user should be redirected to the job detail view (or previous view if that makes more sense)