Command Panel Help Text would benefit BackupMod for purposes of quick reference and command discovery.
NOTE: I am submitting a Merge Request with a proposed solution for this; link to be attached in comment/issue.
The standard for most 7DTD Console Commands it to include help text when running help <command>; this can be very helpful for reference or even real-time discovery of new mod features.
I noticed this is not included in BackupMod even though a description of commands is provided in's Commands section.
Example of Help Output
help teleport
*** Command: teleport ***
1. teleport <x> <y> <z> [view direction]
2. teleport <x> <z> [view direction]
3. teleport <target steam id / player name / entity id>
4. teleport offset <inc x> <inc y> <inc z>
For 1. and 2.: view direction is an optional specifier to select the direction you want to look into
after teleporting. This can be either of n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw or north, northeast, etc.
1. Teleports the local player to the specified location. Use y = -1 to spawn on ground.
2. Same as 1 but always spawn on ground.
3. Teleports to the location of the given player
4. Teleport the local player to the position calculated by his current position and the given offsets
Instructions on Help Syntax Standards
Running help (without any params) in the console will produce the list of all available console commands... but at the very beginning of that output, it will also explain expectations around the symbols you'll see in the Help command:
*** Generic Console Help ***
To get further help on a specific topic or command type (without the brackets)
help <topic / command>
Generic notation of command parameters:
<param name> Required parameter
<entityId / player name> Possible types of parameter values
[param name] Optional parameter
*** List of Commands ***
[lists all commands on the following lines]
Command Panel Help Text would benefit BackupMod for purposes of quick reference and command discovery.
NOTE: I am submitting a Merge Request with a proposed solution for this; link to be attached in comment/issue.
The standard for most 7DTD Console Commands it to include help text when running
help <command>
; this can be very helpful for reference or even real-time discovery of new mod features.I noticed this is not included in BackupMod even though a description of commands is provided in
's Commands section.Example of Help Output
Instructions on Help Syntax Standards
(without any params) in the console will produce the list of all available console commands... but at the very beginning of that output, it will also explain expectations around the symbols you'll see in the Help command: