ntamas / plfit

Fitting power-law distributions to empirical data, according to the method of Clauset, Shalizi and Newman
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howto use "plfit_discrete_options_t" in python #8

Closed enavarro222 closed 11 years ago

enavarro222 commented 11 years ago

Hi, First of all : thanks for this great package !

I wounder how to run "plfit_discrete" with some options, from python. I test different kind call :

opt = plfit.plfit_discrete_options_t() AttributeError: No constructor defined res = plfit.plfit_discrete([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,3,3,3,56,56], plfit.plfit_discrete_options_t) TypeError: in method 'plfit_discrete', argument 3 of type 'plfit_discrete_options_t const *'

The mapping between to the C code is not clear for me. (I don't understand swig so much...) So, thanks if you can give me some small advices...


ntamas commented 11 years ago

The Python interface is pretty experimental now and I have recently added a few things to plfit_discrete_options_t on the C side without checking the Python interface, so it is theoretically possible that plfit_discrete_options_t is not fully functional now. I have checked it now and the following seems to work for me using the very latest revision:

>>> import plfit
>>> opts = plfit.plfit_discrete_options_t()
>>> opts
<plfit.plfit_discrete_options_t; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'plfit_discrete_options_t *' at 0xdeadbeef> >
>>> print opts
finite_size_correction = 0, alpha_method = 0, alpha.min = 1.01, alpha.step = 0.01, alpha.max = 5, p_value_method = 2, p_value_precision = 0.01
enavarro222 commented 11 years ago

thanks for your answer !

I just compile the last version "by hand" : $ git clone https://github.com/ntamas/plfit.git $ cd plfit $ mkdir build; cd build $ swig -Wall -O -python -outcurrentdir ../src/plfit.i ../src/plfit.i:110: Warning 504: Function _plfit_continuous_options_t must have a return type. ../src/plfit.i:141: Warning 504: Function _plfit_discrete_options_t must have a return type. $ gcc -shared -fPIC -o _plfit.so -I../src -I/usr/include/python2.7 -lm plfit_wrap.c ../src/plfit.c ../src/zeta.c ../src/sampling.c ../src/plgen.c ../src/lbfgs.c ../src/kolmogorov.c ../src/mt.c ../src/error.c ../src/options.c ../src/stats.c ../src/rbinom.c ../src/gss.c ../src/getopt.c $ cp plfit.py _plfit.so ../../

So swig have some warnings... maybe here is the problem (?) (by the way: I have to specify all the needed .c for gcc, elsewhere "main.c" is included and there is conflict with "plgen.c")

And then still the same "AttributeError:"

In [1]: import plfit

In [2]: opts = plfit.plfit_discrete_options_t()
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/plfit/build/<ipython-input-2-3195538f9b9d> in <module>()
----> 1 opts = plfit.plfit_discrete_options_t()

/tmp/plfit/build/plfit.pyc in __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    128 class plfit_discrete_options_t(object):
    129     thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
--> 130     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined")
    131     __repr__ = _swig_repr
    132     finite_size_correction = _swig_property(_plfit.plfit_discrete_options_t_finite_size_correction_get, _plfit.plfit_discrete_options_t_finite_size_correction_set)

AttributeError: No constructor defined
ntamas commented 11 years ago

Could be a version difference between my SWIG and yours, and yes, the warnings are probably related. I'm using SWIG 2.0.7. Which SWIG version are you using?

enavarro222 commented 11 years ago

indeed : $ swig -version SWIG Version 2.0.4 Compiled with g++ [x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu] Configured options: +pcre

enavarro222 commented 11 years ago

ok, it was trivial : I just add the good return type to close the two warning and it works ! Thanks again !

ntamas commented 11 years ago

Thanks - fixed in 8eae4eb.