ntemple / bracketpress

WordPress Plugin to manage 2013 NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament Bracket
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Non-NCAA brackets #1

Open robbrandt opened 11 years ago

robbrandt commented 11 years ago

Hi. I am a php dev but don't know Wordpress. I have need of something like this but not for the NCAA "Big Dance". Straight 32 team bracket. Can it handle something like this, and if not would it be major surgery to modify it to do so? The bracket would need to change plus related things like the names of the sub brackets (East, West, etc.).

ntemple commented 11 years ago

None of the code that needs to be modified would be WordPress specific, but there are some tricky pieces.

For this release, we've hardcoded the 64 bracket team in there, and there are many places where the math makes underlying assumptions about the size of the bracket. Once March Madness is over, it's our intent to refactor the system to handle more / different brackets.

It's doable, and it's going to take some work.

If you want to fork, and start making the necessary changes to make it more generic, we'd value your help.

To start, take a look at the math in includes/models/match.php

I'm here to answer questions, but am focused for the next few weeks on adding features to the current core.

robbrandt commented 10 years ago

Is this still 64 bracket hardcoded?