ntemple / bracketpress

WordPress Plugin to manage 2013 NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament Bracket
4 stars 2 forks source link

Permalink structure needs to be flushed. Bounty $25 #7

Open scotthack opened 10 years ago

scotthack commented 10 years ago

Probably in the plugin initialization when the bracket custom post type is created, the permalink structure should be flushed to avoid people getting 404 errors. Quick reference link. http://codex.wordpress.org/Rewrite_API/flush_rules

ntemple commented 10 years ago

Bug: Sometimes, people get 404's when accessing their links through the plugin.

Workaround: re-initialize the permalink structure from the admin.

Solution: automatically flush the permalink structure at appropriate points, but as few times as possible (and definately NOT on every request).

Bounty: $25 to the first, accepted solution to this problem

To claim the bounty:

1) succesfully repro the issue with the current version of the plugin 2) submit a PULL request with your patch 3) prove that, after your patch is implemented, the bug no longer appears. 4) We'll verify the fix and request any changes that need to be made. 5) Once accepted: Send your PayPal Email Address: Pass GO, collect $25

ccverg commented 10 years ago

@ntemple have you heard of Bountysource? You could use the platform to formalize your bounty on this issue: https://www.bountysource.com/issues/1398627

kevinbowrin commented 10 years ago

I was unable to recreate this bug. activate() already calls flush_rewrite_rules().