nteract / hydrogen

:atom: Run code interactively, inspect data, and plot. All the power of Jupyter kernels, inside your favorite text editor.
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Is this going to be maintained? #2171

Closed contang0 closed 11 months ago

contang0 commented 11 months ago

Last commit in this repo was half a year ago, Pulsar meanwhile has turned into a nice alternative for Atom. For me, Pulsar + Hydrogen offers the best Python development experience, and all other alternatives do not come even remotely close.

I would like to know if people at nteract plan to maintain Hydrogen going forward? If not, I think we have enough capable Hydrogen users to fork it and maintain it for Pulsar.

aminya commented 11 months ago

You can always make pull requests, and they will be reviewed and merged

contang0 commented 11 months ago

Thank you, @aminya . It is reassuring that PRs are being merged.

MarkWieczorek commented 11 months ago

I don't think that this question was answered before the issue was marked as resolved. Will the people at https://nteract.io be maintaining Hydrogen going forward? It is great that they will continue to merge PRs from the community!

contang0 commented 11 months ago

It would be useful to know, agreed.

aminya commented 11 months ago

As mentioned, the Atom packages including Hydrogen are in the maintenance mode. Hydrogen has been maintained by me voluntarily. I will review the pull requests if there are any.

You can checkout the Atom sunset notice here: https://github.com/nteract/hydrogen#atom-sunset-notice