ntnu-arl / cortex_ros_bridge

A ROS bridge for the Motion Analysis Cortex mocap system
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error : cannot Run in Ros #3

Open mahdi65 opened 5 years ago

mahdi65 commented 5 years ago

hey I just wanted to use your code to get cortex data in ROS. I tried on ubuntu 14.04 , ROS : both indigo and kinetic ubuntu 16.04 Ros : kinetic

I tried many times. when trying to use "roslaunch cortex-bridge cortex_bridge.launch" I get this error : image

my SDK2 is enabled and on correct IP.

tsorey commented 5 years ago

It has been a while since I have used this, but have you checked that the package is being built correctly? Also, did you source your workspace?

mahdi65 commented 5 years ago

I did source every time and checked it for making sure. Also, I used both catkinmake and rosmake -a with no errors. But still I got the same error when using roslaunch. May I ask if you were able to use clienttest for cameras? I got many errors there too but I modified the code to address the errors.

mahdi65 commented 5 years ago

Some parts of the linux SDK from MA were outdated and didn't compile with cmake. I fixed them. After executing "roslaunch cortex-bridge cortex_bridge.launch" what data should I get? I can not see any of my markers in the rviz for example. How can I set origins? There wasn't enough comments in the code to figure these things out. Would you please give me some hints?