Closed Josgonmar closed 6 months ago
In case anyone is interested, I managed to make it work by integrating the free space pointcloud as it is available with the param "use_freespace_pointcloud". Of course, this pointcloud has to be published in some other way, so I decided to make a ROS node for that.
First of all, thank you so much for your great work!
I have been using it on my simulations using an OS64 and it works phenomenally! The thing is, I'm currently trying to get it to work using only the depth point cloud from a realsense camera installed in front of the UAV. However, I have noticed that the TSDF map it generates does not fill the scan with free space unless there is a clear obstacle in front of it. I'll explain: when I fly, let's say, inside a tunnel, some sort of cone of free space is generated from the sensor POV, but this free space is only close to the walls of that tunnel, so when I execute the exploration, the paths generated are always too close to the walls, as it cannot expand the graph in the "middle". You can see what I'm talking about in the images below:
As you can see, the tunnel is not being filled with free space, something that happens not when using an OS64 for instance. I'm guessing this is more related to voxblox itself, so i'll leave here the parameters i'm using:
Any help would be really appreciated! Thanks in advance!