ntoll / uflash

A module and command to easily flash Python onto the BBC's micro:bit device.
MIT License
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Package for Debian? #53

Open petterreinholdtsen opened 6 years ago

petterreinholdtsen commented 6 years ago

Hi. I consider packaging uflash and uploading it into Debian. This might be easier with your help. Are you interested in helping out to make this happen?

petterreinholdtsen commented 6 years ago

The request for a Debian package is tracked in https://bugs.debian.org/906450 .

knowledgejunkie commented 6 years ago

The presence of the included firmware file is triggering some thoughts regarding how uflash/Mu can be packaged for Debian, in terms of

petterreinholdtsen commented 6 years ago

Is the source of the firmware blob available as free software, and can it be built using only free software? If so, perhaps it is best to make a separeate package of its source and make a new binary package with the firmware hex file. It can then be used as a dependency of both uflash and mu, and all three can go into main.

knowledgejunkie commented 6 years ago

@petterreinholdtsen please track #54 which will hopefully answer questions arising about the MicroPython runtime

knowledgejunkie commented 5 years ago

Update: earlier this week I pushed my packaging of uflash to the Debian Python Modules repository for review.

ntoll commented 5 years ago

@knowledgejunkie stonking stuff. Thank you so much for your efforts with this. :+1:

petterreinholdtsen commented 5 years ago

[Nicholas Tollervey]

@knowledgejunkie stonking stuff. Thank you so much for your efforts with this. :+1:

Hear, hear! This was a great Christmas present. :) I eagerly await the day where we can program Micro:Bit with the tools included in Debian, also on a deserted island. :)

-- Happy hacking Petter Reinholdtsen

knowledgejunkie commented 5 years ago

My packaging of uflash has been reviewed and uploaded to the Debian NEW queue. This package currently provides a helper package that will download the current firmware.hex at installation time.

I'm now finalising my packaging of MicroPython for the micro:bit which will provide a firmware.hex built completely from source.

knowledgejunkie commented 5 years ago

My python-uflash source package was ACCEPTED into Debian unstable yesterday, so I'm happy for this ticket to be closed. The package will migrate into Debian testing in due course.

My separate packaging of MicroPython for the micro:bit is currently being reviewed.