ntop / docker-ntop

A collection of Dockerfile for running ntop applications on Docker
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NTOPNG and nProbe in Docker - nProbe Restarting #18

Open vanquishsecurity opened 10 months ago

vanquishsecurity commented 10 months ago

When trying to use the following Dockerfile to install NTOPNG, nProbe, and Redis, nProbe container fails to start .

I am using the official Github for NTOPNG here https://github.com/ntop/docker-ntop/tree/master. (one from Readme without clickhouse) Once the Docker compose up is done installing, I ran the "docker ps -a" and see two nProbe containers running. One says up, one says restarting.

Does the office Docker image ntop/ntopng:stable already include nProbe?

if I dont run the detach and watch the startup, I see the following error

nProbe keeps restarting with error of "[nprobe.c:5572] ERROR: Unable to read config. file nprobe netmon-nprobe_collector-1 exited with code 255"

docker ps


1fee9505eebf redis:alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" 21 minutes ago Up 4 minutes>6379/tcp, :::6379->6379/tcp netmon-redis-1

4a2c854e789f ntop/nprobe:stable "/run.sh nprobe --zm…" 21 minutes ago Restarting (255) 15 seconds ago netmon-nprobe_collector-1

4dcadf54887c ntop/ntopng:stable "/run.sh --community…" 21 minutes ago Up 4 minutes

I do not see an directory or nprobe .conf file in the nprobe container. The NTOPNG container has in /etc/nprobe.

docker exec -it 4dcadf54887c ls -la /etc/ntopng

total 20

drwxrwxr-x 3 ntopng ntopng 4096 Aug 25 10:38 .

drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Aug 28 18:13 ..

-rw-rw-r-- 1 ntopng ntopng 3087 Aug 25 10:25 ntopng.conf

drwxrwxr-x 2 ntopng ntopng 4096 Aug 25 10:38 ntopng.conf.d

-rw-rw-r-- 1 ntopng ntopng 1472 Aug 25 10:25 ntopng.conf.nprobe.sample

I cant find anything on the web that has a solution.

meuced commented 4 months ago

Hello, i just had the same problem, and i just have to remove the parameter "nprobe" from the "command" line in the compose.yml :

command: ['--zmq', '"tcp://"', '--interface', 'none', '-n', 'none', '--collector-port', '2055', '-T', '"@NTOPNG@"', '--collector-passthrough']

instead of :

command: ['nprobe', '--zmq', '"tcp://"', '--interface', 'none', '-n', 'none', '--collector-port', '2055', '-T', '"@NTOPNG@"', '--collector-passthrough']

I know it's been a while that you opened this issue, but if someone else is blocked on this, and if the maintener could correct this too...